The man slid down the window of his car. Who would it be? An acquaintance, someone who recognizes me because my mind is on articles, someone who intends evil? It was also a bit weird; on the ground, in the street, were four phones with the screens on. Meanwhile I was sorting SIM cards on the paper of a notebook, which contained large tables with many numbers. That is probably not an everyday scene on a site next to a gas station.
The head in the car belonged to a complete stranger. "Are they a little waterproof?" Asked the man in his thirties with a small beard, nodding to where the phones were. I smiled to hide that I didn't know the answer. "Maybe a little bit?" I said. "They'd better be waterproof, rain is coming soon." And then he closed his window and drove on.
If this was a normal round-up, it would have been weird not knowing if the phones were waterproof. But if you want to find out whether to buy these phones, how good the screens and cameras are, and whether they're waterproof, you should check reviews or Best Buy Guides. This story is about one thing only: 5g.
Or rather, how the implementation of 5g differs from phone to phone. On the ground, waiting for the rain, lay the Pricewatch's four most popular 5g phones. Three of them are also the cheapest and one is clearly more expensive: the Samsung Galaxy S20 +, in addition to the Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite, Motorola Moto G 5G Plus and OnePlus Nord.

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